Archive for the ‘arch’ Category.

Sun CTO: Why PC design must change

ZDNET: Sun CTO: Why PC design must change. “The third wave is on the way, and even as we create it, we need to prepare ourselves; it’s shaping up to be a regular tsunami. I call it a network of things. Trillions of things. Things you’d hardly think of as computers. So-called sub-IP (Internet Protocol) devices such as light bulbs, environmental sensors and radio-frequency identification tags.” Interactive Week May 13 2002 7:54AM ET [Moreover – Tech latest]

Using JSSE for secure socket communication

IBM developerWorks:
Using JSSE for secure socket communication
The JDK 1.4 Java Secure Socket Extension is easy enough to use — once you understand all the steps necessary for the initial setup and configuration. In this tutorial Greg Travis offers cookbook-style instructions for creating and installing JSSE encryption keys in a client/server application environment. Upon completion of this tutorial, you will know how to easily convert any existing client/server application to use encryption, as well as how to create a secure application from scratch.

Data binding with Castor

IBM developerWorks:
Data binding with Castor
XML data binding for Java is a powerful alternative to XML document models for applications concerned mainly with the data content of documents. In this article, enterprise Java expert Dennis Sosnoski introduces data binding and discusses what makes it so appealing. He then shows readers how to handle increasingly complex documents using the open source Castor framework for Java data binding.

Loose Coupling in Web Services

A picture named bosworth.gifAdam Bosworth (BEA): “Loose coupling is central to the nature of Web services-based application integration. That’s why it seems to me that the right model for XML in Web services is a message-oriented, document-based one rather than one based on remote procedure calls.” [Scripting News]

Security Review of 802.11b

Security Review of 802.11b: an excellent rundown by the author of a recent O’Reilly & Associates book on 802.11b.

[80211b News]

Dave Winer: The real cost of XML tags

Sean McGrath speaks to the dark side of XML tagging in this cogent article. He’s right. When the people who are making the dogfood don’t have to eat it, there’s bound to be trouble.
For example:
“In XML land, not only are the equivalent of “global variables” created with wild abandon, but their creators often see fit to invoice based on the number they create for you. An unfortunate schism exists in XML software development between the team that develops the schema and the team processing the XML that conforms to the schema. Too often, these are not the same teams.”

another great way to use the W3C XSLT service

PGP is dead! Long live PGP? Maybe

Java RMI, CORBA, XML-based RPC

Book review: Java RMI
“With the rise of XML-based RPC (e.g. SOAP, XML-RPC, APEX), the distributed computing world is starting to really unsettle from the CORBA-RMI-DCOM oligopoly of the 1980s and 1990s. Yet, XML-based RPC is not a panacea (though it is quite cool), especially for those of us involved in the legacy and client-server worlds. Now, what is fascinating: the publishing world is revving up the engines on not only the XML-based RPC stuff, but also the RMI and CORBA stuff — while rarely applied to the tech industry, the old adage, “what was old is new again,” seems to fit well here. This review describes this über-cool trend from the RMI perspective, with a focus on Java RMI (O’Reilly) by William Grosso.” [Slashdot]

Microsoft guru: Stamp out HTTP

Microsoft guru: Stamp out HTTP:
Delivering the keynote at European DevWeek in London on Tuesday, Don Box, an architect for Microsoft’s .NET Developer Platform team, said HTTP presents a major challenge for Web services, for peer-to-peer applications and even for security. A replacement will eventually have to be found, he said, but it is not at all clear who will provide this replacement.